1) Gandhi Jayanti
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who was also known as Mahatma, “Great Soul” Gandhi, was a hero, as well as a political and spiritual leader of India. He was of the Hindu faith, of which I am too. Mohandas brought India to independence by using non-violent resistance. He thought that there was injustice being served to the Indians, especially to the immigrants by the South Africans. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, Kathiawar, now known as Gujarat. Gandhi passed away at the age of 78 on January 30, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi was brought up in India near Rajkot, where he did most of his studies. In 1888, Gandhi went to London, leaving his wife and son behind, to pursue his degree in law. Later in 1893, Gandhi went to South Africa to work and found that there was a lot of prejudice towards Indians. That was the reason Gandhi began protesting and eventually he became an inspiring hero for millions. The three main qualities that define Gandhi as a hero are his strong leadership, simplicity and bravery.
Leadership was one of Gandhi’s heroic qualities. One way he demonstrated leadership was by encouraging people in his village to start using homespun clothing. Homespun was one of Gandhi’s favorite hobbies. Introducing homespun to his village promised the growth of the village’s economy. The poor became employed to make homespun clothes for others in the village and outside of their own village. This drastically diminished the poverty in Gandhi’s village. Moreover, Gandhi ended the issue of discrimination against untouchables. Back in those days, the Hindus used to discriminate against the untouchables, who were their own kind but just low in the caste system. The untouchables are just another word to describe poor, less educated people who really didn’t fit in with the middle class people. Gandhi made the Hindus realize that what British people were doing to them is the same thing that they were doing to the untouchables. This made the Hindus realize what they were doing to the untouchables. Last but not least, the Indian Independence Movement was the all-time heroic deed led by Gandhi. This movement was accomplished in 1947 by Mahatma. This movement took place because India was

governed by the British, and Gandhi wanted India to become independent. Therefore, Gandhi showcased many outstanding leadership skills that made him a hero. Simplicity is the second most heroic quality that Gandhi demonstrated. Gandhi believed in living a simple life. He wanted a simple life, with only the necessities that he needed. Even though he was a barrister (a lawyer), he had no arrogance. He dressed like a poor person and he only wore clothes that were homespun, made out of khadi (cotton). He was a

vegetarian and then became a fruitarian; many days he would go without eating and would not complain. He was also a man of truth because everything he did and said, he did it with truth. Because he believed in truth, he wrote a book titled, The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Moreover, even though he did many heroic things, he claimed to be an average man: “I claim to be no more than an average man with less than average ability” This quote tells the readers that he did not want to be known as Gandhi, he did not want everyone worshiping him, and he was just proving that he is an average person like others. In addition, what made him a hero can make anyone a hero, only if they have the will to do the right thing

and if they believe in truth, nonviolence and creating peace among others. As a result, Gandhi believed that simplicity and truth can make anyone a hero. Bravery is another quality that describes Gandhi. Gandhi did many big things that show how brave he was. The first example of his brave work was the Dandi March. The Dandi March was an Indian march led by Gandhi for salt. This was the first act of opposition towards the British and the beginning of the movement to get India’s independence. Gandhi broke the Salt Law made by the British and was imprisoned for many years. The Dandi March, with more than enough Indians and with the support of Gandhi, diminished the Salt Tax that people had to pay. Gandhi was also very brave to fight for his country on his own and also to sacrifice himself. Many times he got beaten up by the British people, but he did not say one word. He did not execute any type of violent behavior towards them. This is because he was a strong believer in nonviolence. Lastly, Gandhi showed bravery by doing what he believed was right. He believed that things can be done with love and not war, which definitely results in peace. He believed in his own principles for many years till he died, and he fought for India believing that the only way to end the hatred and war is through peace and love. For that reason, Gandhi is a true hero to all because of his bravery and what he did for India’s independence.In conclusion, Gandhi was an astonishing hero. He possessed countless qualities, many things that an ordinary person could not have had. He set several examples for our countries to look up to and learn from. He fought for something that he believed in and he never gave up. He fought through all the obstacles that came his way with love and peace. Leadership, simplicity and bravery were the three most outstanding qualities in Gandhi.
2) Indian Air Force Day
Indian Air Force Day, celebrated on October 8, commemorates the establishment of the IAF in 1932. This year’s theme emphasizes self-reliance and modernization. Key events include a grand air show and parade at Marina Beach in Chennai, showcasing the capabilities and bravery of IAF personnel.
Indian Air Force Day is a celebration of the sincerity and bravery of IAF personnel who safeguard India’s sovereignty. On such days, there are various events such as parades, air shows, and exhibitions that depict the capabilities and advancements of the IAF. Such events encourage young Indians to become part of the Air Force, hence propelling recruitment processes.

he main events planned for Indian Air Force Day 2024, celebrated on October 8, will take place at Marina Beach in Chennai. Here are the key highlights:
- Air Show: A spectacular air show is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., showcasing advanced fighter jets, transport aircraft, and helicopters, demonstrating their capabilities and agility.
- Grand Parade: The celebrations will include a grand parade featuring IAF personnel, highlighting their discipline and professionalism.
- Distinguished Attendees: Key figures such as Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, and Air Chief Marshal A.P. Singh will be present at the event.
- Theme for 2024: The theme is “Bhartiya Vayu Sena: Saksham, Sashakt, Atmanirbhar” (Potent, Powerful, and Self-Reliant), reflecting the IAF’s focus on modernization and self-reliance in defence capabilities.
3) World Post Day
World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9 October, the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in the Swiss Capital, Bern. It was declared World Post Day by the UPU Congress held in Tokyo, Japan in 1969. Since then, countries across the world participate annually in the celebrations. The Posts in many countries use the event to introduce or promote new postal products and services.

In 2015 countries all over the world committed themselves to working together towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to end extreme poverty and hunger, fight inequality and injustice, and take action to reverse climate change – to name just some of these 17 agreed new Goals. Playing its part in this global effort, the Post today has a more relevant role than ever by providing infrastructure for development.
4) Dussehra
दशहरा, एक प्रमुख हिन्दू त्योहार है जो हर साल अक्तूबर या नवम्बर में मनाया जाता है। इसे विजयादशमी के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। इस त्योहार का महत्व रावण वध के दिन भगवान राम द्वारा माता सीता की मुक्ति के रूप में मनाने का है। दशहरा के दिन लोग रामलीला देखते हैं, जिसमें रामायण की कथा का प्रस्तुतिकरण किया जाता है। फिर रावण के पुतले को जलाया जाता है। दशहरा हमें अधर्म से धर्म की ओर बढ़ने का संदेश देता है। यह त्योहार आनंद, खुशी और एकता का पर्व है और हम सबके लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
दशहरा का महत्व:
दशहरा का आयोजन भगवान राम, उनकी पत्नी सीता, और उनके भक्त हनुमान के महान कार्यों की स्मृति में किया जाता है। इसे रामलीला के रूप में मनाया जाता है, जिसमें रामायण की कथा का प्रस्तुतिकरण किया जाता है। यह कथा बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का प्रतीक है और यह दिखाती है कि सत्य, धर्म, और न्याय हमेशा जीतते हैं।
रामलीला के प्रमुख पात्र:
- भगवान राम: भगवान राम रामलीला के प्रमुख पात्र होते हैं, और उनके जीवन की कई महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएं प्रस्तुत की जाती हैं।
- सीता: सीता, भगवान राम की पत्नी, उनकी पतिव्रता और नरी शक्ति के प्रतीक के रूप में प्रस्तुत की जाती है।
- रावण: रावण दुर्जन और अधर्मी का प्रतीक होता है, और उसकी पहचान के लिए दशहरा के दिन उसकी रणनीतियों की प्रस्तुति की जाती है।
- हनुमान: हनुमान, भगवान राम के भक्त, उनके विश्वास और सेवा के प्रतीक के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जाता है।
दशहरा के दिन:
दशहरा के दिन, रामलीला के आयोजन के बाद, एक बड़ा मेला आयोजित किया जाता है। इसमें स्थानीय वस्त्र, आभूषण, खिलौने, और फिरकी आदि की विभिन्न चीजें बिकती हैं। मेले में भगवान राम, सीता, लक्ष्मण, हनुमान, और रावण के पुतले बिकते हैं, जिन्हें घर ले जाकर पूजा किया जाता है।
दशहरा के दिन कुछ स्थानों पर रामलीला का आयोजन बड़े धूमधाम से किया जाता है, और लाखों लोग इसे देखने के लिए आते हैं। यहाँ भगवान राम की कथा को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए पेशेवर अभिनेता और कलाकार होते हैं, और वे अपनी प्रतिभा का प्रदर्शन करते हैं। यह एक जीवंत नाटक होता है जो लोगों को भगवान राम के जीवन और उनके महत्वपूर्ण कार्यों के बारे में जागरूक करता है।

दशमी के दिन, रावण दहन का आयोजन किया जाता है। इसमें रावण के पुतले को बड़े ही धूमधाम से जलाया जाता है, जो अधर्म और बुराई का प्रतीक होता है। यह क्रिया बुराई को प्रहार करने और अधर्म को शांति से जीतने का प्रतीक होती है। लोग इस कार्यक्रम के साथ आकर्षक आतिथ्य, संगीत, और नृत्य का आनंद लेते हैं और समाज में एकता और खुशियों का संदेश प्रस्तुत करते हैं।
5) Dhanteras

6) National Unity Day
National Unity day (also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) is celebrated every year on 31st of October by the people all through India. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who really unified the country. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day was introduced by the Government of India in 2014 with the aim of celebrating this event every year on 31st October. The aim of introducing this event is to pay tribute to the great man, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, on his birth anniversary by remembering his extraordinary works for the country. He really worked hard in keeping India united.
National Unity Day (or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) is the birthday (birth anniversary) of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a famous personality for uniting India. This day was decided and introduced by the central government of India in New Delhi in 2014 in order to observe the birth anniversary of Patel every year as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas. It aimed to pay tribute to him for his great efforts made to unite India.

How National Unity Day is Celebrated
National Unity Day is an initiative celebrated every year to commemorate Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birth anniversary. It is celebrated by the people of India by organizing variety of events. A floral tribute is given to the statue of Sardar Patel every year at the Patel Chowk, Parliament Street, New Delhi in the morning. Various Program are organized by the government of India to mark the occasion such as run for unity, pledge taking ceremony march past by the Indian police. Run for Unity Program is held in the major cities, district towns and various places in the rural areas. Youths from the schools, colleges, universities, educational institutes, National Cadet Corps, National Service Scheme, etc take part in the Program very actively. It is organized at huge level in the National capital from Vijay Chowk to India Gate on the Rajpath at 8.30 am in the morning.
The second Program, which is organized most importantly in the government offices, public sectors, public institutions, etc, is pledge taking ceremony. It is organized to observe the occasion by truly taking the pledge in group. Third event organized at this day is march past by the police (central armed police forces including scouts, guides, NCC, NSS, home guards, etc) on the streets of major cities and district towns. Somewhere, a pledge taking ceremony is held after the march past of police.
7) Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti
Why is Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti Celebrated?
In recognition of the anniversary of Maharaja Agrasen’s birth, the Agrahari, Agrawal, and Jain groups observe Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti as a public holiday in the states of Punjab and Haryana. The Agrahari and Agrawal communities credit Maharaja Agrasen, the king of Agroha, as their originator. The communities observe this day with reverence as they work to uphold his principles.
Maharaja Agrasen, a member of the Surya Vamsha Kshatriya Dynasty, was the son of King Vallabh of Pratap Nagar, which is today in Bangladesh. His tremendous compassion, which was evident from a young age, rather than his military victories, is what will be remembered about him. Maharaja Agrasen was well-known for his dedication to equality and his resolute opposition to prejudice. He suggested the novel idea of “one brick and one rupee,” under which every family already living in Agroha would provide one brick and one rupee to every new family moving into the Neighbour hood. This kind act enabled newcomers to construct their homes and launch their enterprises.

The Agrahari and Agrawal communities observe Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti with intense religiosity. In order to obtain the goddess Lakshmi’s blessings for harmony, peace, and prosperity, they offer prayers to her. During this time, pilgrimages to the temples honouring each family’s ‘Kuldevi’ (deity) are customary. Maharaja Agrasen’s descendants take part in numerous social welfare initiatives, such as setting up free medical clinics and giving food, to emphasise the importance of equality and fraternity. Maharaja Agrasen’s life and teachings are the centre of numerous cultural events and program that are held to honour him and carry on his legacy.
8) Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti
‘Valmiki Jayanti’ is a famous festival of Hindus. It is celebrated as the birthday of famous poet Maharshi Valmiki. It is also known as ‘Balmiki Jayanti’. Valmiki Jayanti falls on the full moon day (Purnima) in the month of Ashwin according to Hindu Calendar. This day is specially very popular in the Northern India and is known as ‘Pargat Diwas’.Maharshi Valmiki is also known as ‘Adi kavi’ or first poet as he discovered the first ‘Sloka’, ie, the first verse which set the base of Sanskrit poetry. Valmiki is the author of the famous Hindu epic Ramayana and one of the greatest saints of the ancient world. His complete life and teachings have always encouraged humans to fight against the social injustice.

9) Diwali
दिवाली के पर्व को दीपावली के नाम से भी पुकारा जाता है, जिसका वास्तव में अर्थ होता है दीयों की पंक्ति या दीयों की लाइन। यह भारत ही नहीं पूरी दुनिया में रोशन के उत्सव और एक प्रमुख हिंदू पर्व के रूप में जाना जाता है। हर साल की तरह 2024 में भी यह त्योहार पूरे भारत में बड़े उत्साह के साथ मनाया जाने वाला है। यह प्रत्येक वर्ष भगवान राम के 14 साल के लंबे वनवास के बाद अपने राज्य अयोध्या वापस लौटने के उत्सव का भी प्रतीक है। इस त्योहार को मनाने के लिए दिवाली पर्व पर कई अनुष्ठान भी किए जाते हैं।
दिवाली क्यों मनाते हैं?
भगवान राम का आगमन: ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब भगवान राम 14 वर्ष के वनवास के बाद वापस अपने राज्य अयोध्या लौटे तो अयोध्या के लोगों ने दीप जलाकर के उनके वापस आने का उत्सव मनाया था और तब से यह दिन दीपावली उत्सव के रूप में विख्यात हुआ।
फसल उत्सव: भारत एक कृषि प्रधान देश है और फसलों की कटाई और चावल या धान की फसल के उत्सव को भी दीपावली से जोड़कर देखा जा सकता है।
देवी लक्ष्मी का जन्म: ऐसी भी मान्यता है कि दिवाली पर ही देवी लक्ष्मी का जन्म कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या के दिन हुआ था और इस उपलक्ष्य में भी दिवाली उत्सव मनाते हैं।
दिवाली पर्व मनाने का तरीका:
दीपावली के उत्सव पर घरों को दीयों, रंगोली, फूल और रंग-बिरंगी लाइट से सजाया जाता है, घरों में लक्ष्मी-गणपति की पूजा होती है, लोग एक दूसरे से गले मिलकर मिठाई बांटते हैं, पटाखों और आतिशबाजी से भी उत्सव मनाया जाता है।
दिवाली का महत्व और उद्देश्य
दिवाली पर्व बुराई पर अच्छाई की अंतिम जीत का प्रतीक तो है ही लेकिन साथ में इसे दीपों की रोशनी से अंधेरे के उन्मूलन के रूप में देखा जाता है, क्योंकि हम एक आशापूर्ण- उज्ज्वल भविष्य के प्रतीक हैं।
दिवाली की रोशनी हमारी सभी अंधेरी इच्छाओं और विचारों को नष्ट करने, अंधेरे छाया और बुराइयों को खत्म करने का समय दर्शाती है। यह पर्व अंधकार पर प्रकाश, बुराई पर अच्छाई और अज्ञान पर ज्ञान की आध्यात्मिक विजय का प्रतीक है।
10) Diwali Celebration at AGI

11) Best Wishes From Chairman of Abhishek Group of Institutions Mr. Ramneek Middha.
Warmest Greetings on this auspicious occasion of Diwali! 💐😇
May the divine light of Diwali illuminate your lives with joy, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a very Happy Diwali! 🎉🎉
Ramneek Middha
Abhishek Group of Institutions
Abohar, Punjab
12) World Thrift Day
World Thrift Day is celebrated annually on 31st October worldwide. In India, the day is celebrated on 30th October. The day was established with the intent of raising awareness among people all around the world about the idea of saving their money in a bank rather than keeping it under their mattress or at home. This promotes savings and financial security for not only the individuals but for the nation as a whole. In this article, we will know about the day, its history and its significance.
About the World Thrift Day
- World Thrift Day, also called World Savings Day, underscores the importance of savings in every individual’s life. Savings means ‘economising’ or ‘reserving’ a part of our regular income to be able to use it to make a bright future. Saving secure ones’ future and also preserves resources by avoiding wastage.
- World Thrift Day is an event to raise awareness about the importance of savings for individuals and as a responsible contributor to the country’s development, saving money is important for the country’s economic growth as well.
- People save money for their old age, retirement, children’s education and marriage or to achieve an unfulfilled dream in their lives.
- The day gained prominence only after the Second World War when people evolved and started taking good care of their resources. Today, World Thrift Day has taken on a more significant role with commercial participation across the globe.
- The theme for World Thrift Day 2021 was ‘Understanding the importance of savings‘. This day has gained effectiveness over the years as every person today is encouraged to think about capital savings.
Significance of the World Thrift Day
- The day emphasises on Financial security, which is essential for a bright future. Saving money and investing it further in suitable commodities yield good returns, thus creating a sizeable contingency for one’s future.
- The day is used to spread information on the need to save and the various areas available for saving to the common public.
- ‘Thrift’ itself means using resources in a wise and careful manner so that we don’t end up exhausting it all up in one go. Therefore savings banks play an important role in promoting the culture of saving and investing in countries. They do campaigns and launch initiatives, such as working with non-governmental organisations in order to double the number of savings accounts held by the poor.