1. Library

The library at the AGI has a well-stocked Library & Learning Centre with silent study spaces; video viewing facilities; newspapers, magazines and periodicals; and computers (all with Internet access and USB Ports and print facilities). The Central Library caters to the information needs of the institutes’ faculty, students, staff, research institutions & industries. Priority is given to keeping library collections up-to-date, with an emphasis on main texts for undergraduates. The library being the center of attraction for students as well as faculty members. it is well equipped with books of different disciplines, wide range of reference books, national and international periodicals, journals, magazines and pool of research work of eminent scholars. The leading newspapers are also available for students to scan the environment to develop their general awareness. The library maintains the intranet website through which students can access online databases, Journals and catalogs anywhere in the campus using Wi-Fi connectivity.

  • Conference Hall

The state – of – the art Conference Room is spacious, well-furnished and equipped with all the latest IT enabled tools and interfaces for facilitating multimedia presentations/Meetings/Conferences by the students, faculty members, Corporate, Management and the prominent visitors for various activities. This hi-tech facility is alternatively used from time to time for mock group discussions, personal interviews and quiz sessions, debates, declamations, corporate meeting and for many other activities meant for institutional development.

  • Cafeteria

Refreshment joints throughout history have always been the ideal centers all over the world where brilliant minds congregate and great concepts originate. It is also the place where diverse culture has created well organized spaces for cafeteria and refreshments.

  • Language Laboratory

Communication is the key to success and it plays a crucial role in the placement scenario these days. A state-of-the-art language laboratory, is available for regular access. In order to help our students find a better footing in the job market, communication softwares are installed in the language lab.

  • Computer Centre

The computer center is well-equipped with computing resources to cater to the academic needs of the students. The center is a constant hub of activities, providing a conducive learning environment. The trained technical staff is available to help the students.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

  • Sports Complex

AGI provides indoor and outdoor games facilities to the students for their overall development. Our Institutes also provides opportunities to students to participate in Annual Intra and Inter College Tournaments.