2) World Cancer Day
annual observance held on February 4 that is intended to increase global awareness of cancer. World Cancer Day originated in 2000 at the first World Summit Against Cancer, which was held in Paris. At this meeting, leaders of government agencies and cancer organizations from around the world signed the Charter of Paris Against Cancer, a document containing 10 articles that outlined a cooperative global commitment to improving the quality of life of cancer patients and to the continued investment in and advancement of cancer research, prevention, and treatment. Article X of the charter formally declared February 4 as World Cancer Day “so that each year, the Charter of Paris will be in the hearts and minds of people around the world.”
Cancer awareness has become exceedingly important in the 21st century. While there have been numerous advancements in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer—factors that should contribute to the decline of the disease—the number of new cancer cases diagnosed each year has globally continued to increase. There were 8.1 million new cases diagnosed in 1990, 10 million in 2000, 12.4 million in 2008, and 14.1 million in 2012. The number of annual deaths worldwide from cancer has also increased—from 5.2 million people in 1990 to 8.2 million people in 2012 to an estimated 9.6 million in 2018. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if the incidence of cancer continues to grow at the reported rate, the number of deaths worldwide from cancer will increase to more than 16.3 million by 2040. However, also according to WHO, as many as 40 percent of deaths from cancer are preventable. As a result, raising awareness of cancer prevention has become a prominent goal of many cancer and health organizations around the world, and World Cancer Day has come to represent an annual reaffirmation of the importance of this goal.If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

The International Union Against Cancer (UICC), an organization dedicated to increasing global cancer awareness, coordinates World Cancer Day and is supported in this effort by WHO and other international organizations. World Cancer Day serves as a formal launching point for the declaration of new themes and the release of new publications for the UICC’s World Cancer Campaign, which functions throughout the year and strives to raise cancer awareness by forming partnerships with health and cancer institutions and by proposing educational activities and creating public service announcements. In honour of World Cancer Day, many health institutions and cancer centres make available on their Web sites various educational publications and materials about cancer and cancer prevention. In some places World Cancer Day is recognized with a parade or a local fund-raising event, such as a walk, a gala, a concert, or an auction. In addition, some countries air special television broadcasts or radio programs about cancer during the week in which World Cancer Day occurs.Because more than 70 percent of deaths from cancer occur in economically less-developed countries, World Cancer Day and the World Cancer Campaign have become important mechanisms for drawing attention to cancer prevention and treatment in these countries. For example, in Nicaragua, where access to cancer treatment centres was severely limited, World Cancer Day 2007 marked the beginning of an international collaboration designed to improve cancer-care resources within the country.
3) Lincoln’s Birthday
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, was born in a single-room log cabin on Sinking Spring Farm in LaRue County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. He was the son of Thomas Lincoln, an illiterate pioneer farmer, and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, who died when Abraham was nine years old. It was Thomas Lincoln’s second wife, Sarah Bush Johnston who, while illiterate herself, recognized Abraham’s “uncommon natural talents” and encouraged his famous bookishness.
Self-taught and from humble origins, Abraham Lincoln became one of the most revered and uniquely appealing United States Presidents. Known as Honest Abe, the Rail-splitter, and the Great Emancipator, Lincoln was a skilled orator who preserved the Union during the American Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation. His assassination in 1865 contributed to Lincoln’s legendary place in American history and culture.
Despite his stature among many Americans as one of the greatest United States presidents, only a small number of U.S. states, including Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, and New York, observe Lincoln’s birthday on February 12 as a legal, public holiday. In other states, Lincoln’s birthday is celebrated in combination with President George Washington’s birthday on the third Monday of each February. The combined federal holiday is officially named Washington’s Birthday but is also known as Presidents Day.

Washington’s Birthday was first declared a federal holiday in 1879 by an Act of Congress. The Uniform Holidays Act of 1968 changed the date of commemoration from Washington’s actual birthday on February 22 to the third Monday of February. Because of this Act, and the fact that President Lincoln’s birthday falls on February 12, many people now refer to the holiday as “Presidents Day” and consider it a day honoring all American presidents. However, neither the Uniform Holidays Act nor any subsequent law changed the name of the holiday from Washington’s Birthday to Presidents
In 1951, Californian Harold Stonebridge Fischer formed a Presidents Day National Committee and lobbied Congress for the creation of a holiday to honor the office of the president rather than a particular president. He proposed March 4, the original Presidential Inauguration Day, as the date for “Presidents Day.” The bill was defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but several state governors subsequently issued proclamations declaring March 4 “Presidents Day” in their states.
4) World Radio
History of World Radio Day
- he General Conference of UNESCO, in its 36th session in 2011, proclaimed 13th February as the World Radio Day.
- The idea of celebrating this day was first proposed by Spain’s Radio Academy in 2010.
- The United Nations General Assembly formally endorsed UNESCO’s proclamation of World Radio Day on 14th January 2013.
- During its 67th session, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 13 February as World Radio Day, endorsing the resolution adopted during the 36th session of the UNESCO General Conference.
Why is it celebrated?
- 13th February is celebrated as World Radio Day because it was the day of the establishment of the United Nations Radio.
- It also serves to promote the radio as a means of communication in times of need and emergency.
- Radio is the mass media that reaches the widest audience in the world. It is also a low-cost communication tool while at the same time being a powerful communication medium.
- Even though radio is over a century old, it still acts a popular medium for communication. It is also very essential in situations like natural disasters.
World Radio Day Theme 2020

Radio and Diversity
World Radio Theme 2020 is ‘Radio and Diversity’.The idea behind this theme is to state that it brings the focus on diversity, and linguistic tolerance. At the international level, radio remains the most widely consumed medium amongst other mediums in the world. Radio is definitely a crucial medium to celebrate humanity, intercultural competence, and democratic citizenship.
5) Sarojini Naidu Birth Anniversary
As we commemorate Sarojini Naidu’s 145th birth anniversary, let’s reflect on her enduring legacy through 7 inspirational quotes that continue to inspire
Sarojini Naidu’s birth anniversary is celebrated by the nation every year on February 13. This year marks the 145th birth anniversary of Sarojini Naidu. She was a poet and political activist. Her poetry earned her the nickname ‘Nightingale of India’. Born in Hyderabad on 13 February 1879, she was considered one of the most popular women of the 20th century. A disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, she was instrumental in the Indian National Movement, which fought for the country’s independence. Sarojini Naidu is a globally recognized writer who gained recognition as the “Bul Bule Hind” upon the publication of her collection of poems, Golden Threshold, in 1905. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was among the many well-known Indian politicians who admired Sarojini Naidu’s poetry

As we commemorate the birth anniversary of the Nightingale of India, let’s delve into the wisdom of this iconic poet and freedom fighter with 10 inspirational quotes that continue to resonate with timeless significance.
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Inspirational quotes by Sarojini Naidu
“A country’s greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice.”
“We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action.”
6) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti 2024: Also known as Shivaji Jayanti, this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across Maharashtra and different Maratha-speaking communities of India.

Shivaji Jayanti 2024: This year marks the 394th birth anniversary of the Maratha King.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti is celebrated on February 19 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji, one of the bravest and most progressive rulers of India. Founder of the Maratha kingdom, Chhatrapati Shivaji was a natural leader and a great warrior. This year marks the 394th birth anniversary of the Maratha King. Also known as Shivaji Jayanti, this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across Maharashtra and different Maratha-speaking communities of India.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Jayanti is observed twice a year because according to the Hindu Calendar, Shivaji was born on the 3rd day of Phalgun while as per the Gregorian calendar the birth date of Shivaji Maharaj is 19 February.
Shivaji is regarded as the greatest warrior king of the Maratha empire. He is remembered for his ability to preserve ancient Hindu political traditions and court conventions. He promoted Marathi and Sanskrit instead of Persian in his court and administration.
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Known for being a master strategist, Chhatrapati Shivaji also won several wars against the Mughals and carved out the Maratha empire. In 1674, he was formally crowned as the ‘Chhatrapati’ or emperor.
Things to know about Chhatrapati Shivaji
- Shivaji was devoted to his mother Jijabai, who was a deeply religious and courageous woman
- He was interested in religious teachings and regularly sought the company of Hindu saints
- Contrary to popular belief, Shivaji was not named after Lord Shiva – he was named after a regional Goddess Shivai
- Chhatrapati Shivaji was called the ‘Mountain Rat’ and was widely known for his guerrilla warfare tactics
7) National Science Day
National Science Day is celebrated on 28 February each year to mark the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sr. CV Raman. He was given the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930 for his research on The Raman Effect. This day highlights the importance of science and its significance in our day-to-day life. The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) popularises science in India. And so, in 1928, it was the NCSTC who proposed the idea of rewarding 28 February as the National Science Day Celebration.
His most popular discovery was the Raman effect. The Raman Effect is the scattering of light particles by molecules of a medium. Let us understand this with an example. Why does the ocean appear blue despite the water being colourless? It’s due to the Raman effect. The sunlight consists of 7 colours – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red (VIBGYOR). The ocean water is able to absorb green, yellow, orange, and red colours. But it scatters violet, indigo and blue. So the colourless water in the ocean appears to be blue. This phenomenon is the Raman effect.

Why We Celebrate National Science Day
The day is celebrated all over India in various schools, colleges & universities to mark the importance of science in everyone’s lives.
The Objectives of this day include:
- It reminds us of the efforts and achievements we have made so far, in the field of science.
- It is used to weigh up the implementation of different technologies.
- It is celebrated through public speeches, science movies/ exhibitions, debates, quizzes, workshops, etc.
- It motivates students to dig deeper into science & learn its utilisation for public welfare.
- It allows everyone to state & conclude the issues caused by various technologies all over the country.
8) Proud Moment
Student Who Cleared the Naitik Sikhya Exam Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle..

9) Proud Moment

10) National Science Day
28 th February is celebrated as National Science Day (NSD) in India. NSD is celebrated to commemorate
discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’, which led to Sir C.V. Raman winning the Noble Prize.In 1986, the
National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) asked the Government of India to
designate 28 February as National Science Day which the then Govt. Of India accepted and declared the
day as National Science Day in 1986. The first National Science Day was celebrated on February 28,
1987.The NSD is celebrated with a view to spread the message about the significance of science and
how it improves the daily lives of the common folk. In addition, its celebration also has the following
objectives in mind.
1)Display all activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science
2)To provide opportunity for those citizens of India interested in science
3)To foster and encourage interest in science and technology.
11) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj also spelled as Sivaji was born on 19 February 1630. He was
born at Shivneri which is a hill fort in Junnar in Poona, now known as Pune.Chhatrapati
Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha kingdom of India. The kingdom’s security
was entirely based on religious tolerance and the functional integration of Brahmans,
Marathas, and Prabhus. At that time, India was under the Muslim rulers and divided.He
found the suppression of the Muslim rulers and the persecution of all the Hindus in the
region. He was sad due to the devastating condition of the Hindus that by the age of 16 he
convinced himself to be the cause of the Hindu’s freedom. It was a conviction that was to
sustain him throughout his whole life.
12) World Scout day
World Scout Day is celebrated every 22nd February. Each year on February 22nd, we honor Robert Baden-birth Powell’s anniversary by celebrating World Scout Day. Baron Baden-Powell, who was born in 1857, is considered the pioneer of scouting. World Scout Day is celebrated to commemorate the service of the scouts and guides. Scouts across the world celebrate the day with extra zeal and rigor. World Scout Day is observed to pay tribute to the works of scouts across the globe. It is their remarkable service to the world that brings about a change in the lives of many people around us. World Scout Day is dedicated to the scouts and guides for their selfless services to the world. Scouting began in India in 1909. Solution India was very famous from the beginning itself as the number of scout and guide associations were emerging like mushrooms across India. The Bharat Scouts and Guides Association was formed in 1951. Scout day is celebrated by the gathering of the scouts and respect will be paid through the parades and the discussion on the life of the great chief. Scout Day is an attempt to make the generation aware of the importance of scouts in improving society.
The day is meant to mark the founding of the Scouts in the United States. Observation varies by unit and locale. Scouts go to their places of worship in uniform and help with the service.
World Scout Day 2024 Theme
- The World Scout Day 2024 theme is “Scouts for a Better World”.
- Scout associations across the globe will take the opportunity to celebrate the day with utmost sincerity.
- The members of the scouting association will gather together to commemorate the chief scout and pay tribute to the scout.
- World Scout Day is celebrated to commemorate the service of the scouts and guides.
- Scouts across the world celebrate the day with extra zeal and rigor. World Scout Day is observed to pay tribute to the works of scouts across the globe.
- It is their remarkable service to the world that brings about a change in the lives of many people around us.
- World Scout Day is dedicated to the scouts and guides for their selfless services to the world.
13) International Mother Language Day
International Mother Language Day 2024: It is celebrated on 21 February to spread awareness of linguistic, and cultural diversity, and to promote multilingualism. India is home to hundreds of languages and thousands of dialects which make its linguistic and cultural diversity the most unique in the world. Language is not only a means of communication but it also represents a diverse cultural and intellectual heritage.
It is celebrated due to the initiative of Bangladesh. On 21 February 1952 four students were killed while campaigning for the use of Bengali as their mother language officially in Bangladesh.