Activities Held in the Campus
1)Awareness About

2) Gandhi Jayanti

3)Poster Making

4) In Many Tongues

5)Chandrayaan-3 is built to brave

6) Chandrayaan-3
India’s first lunar exploration mission was called Chandrayaan initiated by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Chandrayaan-3 is a testament to India’s commitment to space exploration and greater understanding of the Moon’s mysteries. It consists of a lander named Vikram and a rover named Pragyan.

Chandrayaan-3 was launched on Friday, July 14, 2023, at 02:35 pm from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Chandrayaan-3 entered the Moon’s orbit on 5 August. Chandrayaan-3 landed in the South Pole region of the Moon on 23 August 2023 at 06:04 pm Indian time.
- To find the possibility of water on the Moon.
- To find the elements of matter on the Moon.
- To search for the existence of Helium-3.
- To make a 3-dimensional atlas of the Moon.
- To study about the evolution of the solar system.
Through Chandrayaan-3, India aims to showcase its technological prowess, scientific capabilities, and its commitment to space exploration. If Chandrayaan-3 is a success, it will further strengthen India’s position in the global space community. This mission will inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
- ISRO Chairman: S. Somnath.
- Mission Director: S. Mohan kumar.
- Assistant Mission Director: G. Narayanan.
- Project Director: P. Veeramuthuvel.
A successful soft landing, the rover will descend from the lander’s belly onto the lunar surface using one of its side panels as a ramp. One of the challenges the lander may face upon landing is lunar dust, resulting from the firing of onboard engines close to the lunar surface. The lander and rover are expected to have a mission life of approximately one lunar day (about 14 Earth days) to conduct studies of the lunar environment. However, ISRO remains open to the possibility of extending their mission duration for another lunar day.
An important development for India’s space exploration Programme is Chandrayaan-3. The success of Chandrayaan extends beyond scientific breakthroughs to include advantages for the nation’s socioeconomic system. Additionally, it will encourage and inspire the next generation to become interested in science and technology.
7) The Cost of Parenthood

8) Proud Moment
अभिषेक ग्रुप ऑफ़ इंस्टिट्यूशन के होनहार छात्र संदीप सिंह ( ) अंतिम वर्ष का छात्र जिसने सीमा सुरक्षा बल भर्ती के अंदर कांस्टेबल पद पर चयनित हो गया। कॉलेज के अध्यक्ष श्री रमणीक मिड्ढा जी और एमडी श्री अभिषेक मिड्ढा जी ने संदीप सिंह को स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया और कॉलेज के अन्य छात्रों को संदेश देते हुए कहा कि इस बच्चे ने पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ अपने करियर के ओर ध्यान दिया और सफलता हासिल कर अपने माता-पिता और अभिषेक ग्रुप ऑफ़ इंस्टीट्यूशन का नाम रोशन किया।उसको बधाई देते हुए बोले कि अपने जीवन में और इसी तरह आगे सफलता हासिल करें।

9) Poster Making Competition
ਅਭਿਸ਼ੇਕ ਪੋਲੀਟੇਕਨਿੱਕ ਕਾਲਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਬੱਡੀ ਪ੍ਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਅਧੀਨ ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ ਮੁਹਿੰਮ
आदरणीय डिप्टी कमिश्नर फाजिल्का के निर्देशानुसार सितम्बर माह में अभिषेक पॉलिटेक्निक कॉलेज अबोहर द्वारा “नशीले पदार्थों के बुरे प्रभाव” पर जागरूकता अभियान चलाया गया। इस जागरूकता अभियान में कॉलेज के छात्रों ने उपायुक्त कार्यालय से उपलब्ध कराए गए कार्यक्रम के अनुसार विभिन्न गतिविधियाँ की हैं। इस जागरूकता अभियान का उद्देश्य “नशे का व्यक्ति के साथ-साथ समाज पर पड़ने वाले बुरे प्रभाव” के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाना है।
कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा पोस्टर मेकिंग, स्वरचित कविताएं और एक छोटी सी नाट्य प्रस्तुतीकरण द्वारा विद्यार्थियों को बताया गया कि नशे करने से परिवार में कितनी समस्याएं उत्पन्न होती है और परिवार खत्म होने की कगार तक पहुंच जाता है। नशे के बुरे प्रभाव के बारे में आसपास के गांव में नशा मुक्तिकरण का संदेश देते हुए एक रैली निकाली गई, जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने पोस्टर द्वारा लोगों को जागरूक किया। कॉलेज प्रांगण में श्रीमती प्रिया ने विद्यार्थियों को नशे के बुरे प्रभाव के बारे में जागरूकता का संदेश देते हुए एक छोटा सा सेमिनार लगाया और उन्होंने बताया कि नशा करने से क्या-क्या समस्याएं उत्पन्न होती है और हमे इससे कैसे बचना चाहिए।
कॉलेज के प्रांगण में स्लोगन प्रतियोगिता भी आयोजित की गई जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने बढ़ चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया और बाद में स्लोगन मार्च निकालते हुए सभी विद्यार्थियों को नशे के दुष्परिणामों से अवगत कराया गया।
अंत में कॉलेज के एमडी श्री अभिषेक मिड्ढा जी ने विद्यार्थियों को नशे से होने वाले दुष्परिणाम के बारे में बताया और उन्होंने कॉलेज प्रांगण में विद्यार्थियों से प्रतिज्ञा करवाई की हम अपने देश को नशा मुक्त बनाएंगे

10 )Passwords

11) Retire in Peace

12) International Music Day
“Music Is the Universal Language Of Mankind!” is the famous quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that talks about the beauty of music.
Every year on October 1, people all over the world enthusiastically celebrate International Music Day. This special day is all about coming together to enjoy and appreciate the joy that music brings to our lives. It’s a day that encourages us to see music as a universal language that sparks creativity and brings people closer.
Music is a powerful way for musicians to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This global celebration also highlights the wonderful diversity of music from different parts of the world.
Since 1949, the International Music Council (IMC), an associate organization of UNESCO, has thought that music could bring people together and promote world peace. The Council, led by its President, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, America’s most prolific violinist and music conductor at the time (1975), was convinced that music had the power to build connections and bridge cultural gaps between different communities.This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department
Lord Yehudi Menuhin wrote a letter to the IMC members proclaiming October 1 as International Music Day. Finally, the first International Music Day was organized by the IMC on October 1, 1975.

According to Yehudi, International Music Day was intended to:
Encourage promoting musical art among all sections of society.
Motivate the application of UNESCO’s ideals of peace and friendship among people.
Create space for the evolution of cultures through the exchange of experiences.
Encourage mutual appreciation of cultures, especially their aesthetic values.

13) Market decline in October left you worried? Axis Securities suggests this strategy to follow going ahead
The Indian market was under pressure in October with the benchmark Nifty50 correcting by 6 percent from its peak hit in September. Axis Securities expects the market to remain volatile and range-bound in the near term.

The Indian market was under pressure in October with the benchmark Nifty50 correcting by 6 percent from its peak hit in September. A few critical factors that led to this decline were a) The rise in the US 10-year bond yields, b) The ongoing geopolitical conflict in the Middle East, c) Rising and volatile crude prices, and d) Moderation in consumption growth. Also, all sectoral indices closed on a negative note except the realty index.Going ahead, brokerage house Axis Securities believes that macroeconomic developments will continue to drive the market fundamentals in the near term. The critical near-term monitorables will be a) The outcome of the upcoming FOMC meeting, b) The direction of the US 10-year bond yields, c) The direction of the dollar index, d) The direction of crude prices in the view of escalated geopolitical tensions, and e) The upcoming state election, it stated The brokerage expects all these developments to keep the market volatile and range-bound in the near term.
a)Technical view( October market)
In March 2023, 33 percent of the stocks were trading above the 200-day moving average, indicating that the market was in the oversold zone. Since then, the market has witnessed a sharp recovery. However, the market witnessed some correction in the last two weeks due to escalated global geopolitical conflicts. With this move, 76 percent of the stocks are now trading above the 200-DMA vs 86 percent during the last month. This indicates that the market is near the buying zone once again, said the brokerage. From here onwards, it believes the market is likely to witness a style and sector rotation
b)Broader markets
While the broader markets have given stellar performance in the last 1 year as well as in 2023 YTD, they also declined in October.
The Nifty Midcap index fell almost 4 percent while the Nifty Smallcap index lost nearly 2 percent last month. Meanwhile, smallcaps and midcaps have risen 29 percent and 25 percent in the last 1 year, respectively.
The brokerage noted that Indian investors have demonstrated a high degree of maturity over the past year – a key reason why the Indian market has not experienced negative panic reactions like other economies.
“With the strong catch-up by Midcaps and Smallcaps in the last couple of months, we believe the margin of safety at current levels in certain pockets has reduced as compared to Largecaps. Keeping this in view, the broader market may see some time correction in the near term and flows will likely shift to Largecaps. Factoring in the prevailing scenario of higher bond yields, rising crude prices, and the stronger dollar index, Largecaps appear to provide more margin of safety at current valuations than Midcaps and Smallcaps. Nonetheless, the long-term story of the broader Indian market continues to remain attractive,” it suggested.
c) Market strategy
As per the brokerage, ‘Growth at a Reasonable Price’ looks attractive at the current juncture on account of domestic play, cool-off in commodity prices and inflation, and expectation of rural recovery in the upcoming quarters. Hence, Axis recommends investors remain invested in the market and maintain good liquidity (10 percent) to use any dips in a phased manner and build a position in high-quality companies (where the earnings visibility is quite high) with an investment horizon of 12-18 months.
The brokerage further pointed out that geopolitical events often come up with a short-term reaction in the market because of the dominant news flow and the headlines which lead to market volatility. The current concerns are about the upside risk for the crude prices if more countries join hands in the current geopolitical conflicts and that will lead to the addition of risk premium to the crude prices. If crude prices sustain above the current levels for a longer time, it will add an upside risk to the inflation expectation for the remaining part of FY24 in the domestic market, it noted.
The brokerage has booked profit in CCL products and added Westlife Foodworld.

d) Nifty targets
Base case: The Indian economy stands at a sweet spot of growth and remains the land of stability against the backdrop of a volatile global economy. Axis continues to believe in its long-term growth story, supported by the emerging favourable structure as increasing Capex enables banks to improve credit growth. Strong earnings trajectory also continues in the Nifty 50 universe, it said. It foresees Nifty EPS to post growth of 17 percent/13 percent in FY24/25. Thus, it maintained its Dec’23 Nifty target at 20,200 by valuing it at 20x Dec’24 earnings. The current level of India VIX is below its long-term average, indicating that the market is currently in a neutral zone (neither panic nor exuberance).
14) National Pension System: How will the new NPS rule benefit subscribers and who benefits from the SLW option?

National Pension System: As part of a proposed change in the National Pension System (NPS) withdrawal rules, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) will allow automatic withdrawals periodically from the NPS subscribers corpus fund. “Following Regulation 3 and Regulation 4 of PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the NPS) Regulations, 2015 and amendments therein, it is proposed to provide the option of phased withdrawal of the lump sum through Systematic Lump Sum Withdrawal (SLW) facility,” the PFRDA said in its circular dated 27 October 2023.
(SLW) The SLW facility is similar to the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) under Mutual Funds. With the SLW facility, NPS subscribers can withdraw the desired amount systematically at regular periodic intervals.
“Upon reaching 60 and up to 75, subscribers must allocate at least 40% of their corpus to purchase an annuity. The annuity provides periodic payments based on its terms. The remaining corpus can be withdrawn as a lump sum or systematically through the SLW method. SLW allows retirees to receive periodic cash flows, enhancing their post-retirement income and covering regular expenses. This withdrawal method can be chosen once, and payments will follow the subscriber’s preference,” said Kurian Jose, CEO, of Tata Pension Management.
15) DSP Mutual Fund launches DSP Gold ETF Fund of Fund. All you need to know
DSP Mutual Fund has launched the DSP Gold ETF Fund of Fund, an open-ended scheme that allows investors to invest in gold like a mutual fund scheme. The fund offers the advantage of owning gold in a digital form without the need for a demat account.

Mumbai: DSP Mutual Fund announced the launch of DSP Gold ETF Fund of Fund (the scheme) an open-ended Fund of Fund scheme investing in DSP Gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). The scheme offers investors a convenient way to invest in gold like a normal mutual fund scheme, compared to the physical version, with the freedom to trade easily.“Gold is a great addition to a typical equity – debt-heavy portfolio due to the low correlation to these asset classes. The scheme structure presents a convenient way to diversify your portfolio and systematically accumulate gold, automatically adding depth and multi-dimensionality to your investments,” says Anil Ghelani, CFA, Head – Passive Investments & Products, DSP Mutual Fund.Gold is in focus due to global liquidity drying up, and increased demand from Central banks, combined with supply of the metal remaining stagnant. Investments in gold have typically done well at a time when there is a weakness in the dollar. Gold also has a historical negative or low correlation with equity which also makes it a good option to diversify away from equity. DSP Gold ETF Fund of Fund offers the advantage of owning Gold in a convenient digital form without the requirement for a demat account to transact. It also presents a systematic way to invest in Gold via SIPs along with the flexibility of redeeming the units without any lock-in period.